P. 48

Ide – oda szálljon.

                                                                                  /jazyk maďarský/

               How to hunted Ivan fisherman

               On the shore of the river named Blanice, long time ago, drop his anchor very old ship.

               Ivan fisherman was owner of it, everyday he sitting on the shore, his fishing rod swung

               in  the  water.  He  looking  on  it  all  his  long  day,  to  hope  something  to  catch.  But  very

               seldom he catch a fish. Day by day he lives his lonely, boring life, morning to evening

               sitting up to the water, dreaming. His ship was really old, with broken roof and before,

               when  he  fall  asleep,  the  stars  shine  inside  as  a  little  lamp.  But  he  newer  mint  that

               broken ship, no that badly fishing luck, most worrying him his loneliness. All day he has

               no one to speak no one to share sunny day with him...

               One day sitting again on the shore, suddenly he saw, his fishing rod was mowed...may

               fish is on the end...he quickly pull out it and saw shine similar to the a sunlight...really,

               as the same.

               „Golden fish...“Ivan screamed.“But what I will do with golden fish, looking very skinny for

               me, only bones, nothing meat, I can’t make a rich diner with it.“ But small fish is better

               than nothing...  Ivan  thinking  and  start to  looking  in  his bag  for a knife  to  kill her, but

               suddenly  the  fish  speaking  to  him“  Ivan  ,  Ivan,  don’t  kill  me  please,  I  am  not  just  a

               common fish, I am a magic fish, I can  grant three wishes for you. If you leave me alive.“

               „Three  wishes...three  wishes...“  Hardly  thinking  Ivan  about  it,  but  after  only  wave  his

               hand “I don’t believe a tale and full stomach is more for me than any magic wishes. “

               And take his knife, but fish again speak to him. „Are you hungry? Only by one wish and

               you will have plenty of food. You never finish it, even if you be alive one hundred years.

               I can changed yours old ship to  steamship...are you did not want to try? “Ivan thinking

               about it, and on the end he took to himself, this fish is so tinny and slim, it is not enough

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