P. 49

food for my diner, why I can’t try this and leaved the fish back to the water “ OK „talked

               to himself “All right, let see, if you are really magical, but what  shall I wish for...Plenty of

               food look to me as a lot of waste, because I can’t finish it all my life, also what can I do

               with steamship on this small river,  where water are under the hips, I don’t really need

               this  kind  of  thinks...“  The  fish  show  herself  in  the  water  „Are  you  don’t  have  any

               wishes...  So  strange?  How  about  money,  everyone  want  to  be  a  rich“.“Not  me“  Ivan

               start to hardly think. “ When you are rich. You have headache only with it. You hardly

               find a real friend. One time I red sentence in Fisherman news, how one  of my colleague

               won  seven  million  in  lottery.  For first he  was  happy  of  course, but  after all,  when he

               bought everything what he want, big house and big car, he again start to sitting on the

               shore,  to  wait  for  a  fish,  so    is  easier  to  continue  my  work  straight,  without  any

               millionaires  trouble,  isn’t  it?  “  But  thing  about,  is  really  nothing  what  I  will  give  to

               you...some small“  Ivan hardly thinking “ may be... you know, I

               am a very lonely man...I would like to speak with someone, I would like to share a sunny

               day... with someone nice,... but I have no one to speak, no one to share a sun...I would

               like a wife my dear fish...“.“No problem...but I don’t know, which kind of woman are you

               prefer, tell me something about her...“Ivan thinking couple of minute.“So...I would like a

               wife very kind of me , who know how to cook and care about the house...but should be

               also beautiful as a model from fashion journals...and also she should know something

               about the fishing, how to catch a fish, to sometime help me with my work....“ „It’s not a

               problem at all, just go home and you will see “. And fish disappear and no mere come

               back. Ivan shake his head from one side to another and went home to wait, as fish told

               him. May not even five minute he hear knocking on the door.  Ivan was so surprised, no

               one come to visit him couple of month...who are there...carefully he open the door and

               ...behind them he saw a woman „My name is Anna“ and she shacked his right hand,

               looked  at  him  with  very  kind  eye...“I  know,  that  you  live  so  lonely  here,  so  I  make  a

               decision to bake for you a cake. “ and give to him a box “ Thank you so much, and

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